Today is a special day. For two reasons!!! Reason #1 is My favorite little magical cousin, Miss Molly, turns 11!!!
Happy Birthday Molly!
I wish I could celebrate with you! I miss you and I can't wait to see you when I get back! Here is 11 reasons why you are Molly the Magnificent!
1. You are fun to shop with. You make me feel young again. hehe
2. You enjoy shopping at the Jockey underwear store with our moms just as much as I do. We both look sooooo happy.3. You and Emily get along. Emma and I also get along. Patches and Lani are friends. So much cousin lovin.
4. You are still smallish and I can still pick you up.
5. I got to relive my American Girl days through you.
6. You are a big cousin and a little cousin.
7. But of course I am your favorite cousin!
8. You are the coolest 10, now 11 year old I know!
9. Stylin in Emily's clothes. Work it girl.
10. The next Chanel perfume model!
So happy birthday little Guac-a-Molly! I miss your pigtails and I can't wait to see you.
P.S. Pinnochio says Hi!!!!
Reason #2 Why today is SOOOO Wonderful! It is my mom and dad's 24th Wedding Anniversary!!!!
24 Years ago they met on a plane. My mom was getting over the chicken pox, my dad didn't have gray hair yet. It was love at first sight! Their first date was to see Back to the Future. They got married, and then a year later baby Robbie was born! Then me. Then Emily.
So here is a shout out to my mom and dad. Melissa and Robert! Happy 24th Anniversary!!! Thank you for giving me a happy childhood! Always being involved with us in school, making our Halloween costumes, coaching our sports teams, coming to our choir concerts, school plays, girlscouts, hula shows, baseball games, basketball games, water polo games, swim meets, cheer competitions, and taking us on interesting/historical vacations!
Thanks for being such great parents! Let's have 24 more years of matching pajamas!
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